About Barbara

That may all be true, but for Barbara, they simply make her happy. Photography has been her passion since the mid 1990s. Over the years, she photographed her three boys and then slowly expanded into taking photographs of other people’s children. Barbara specialized in capturing a wonderful moment in time.

Now Erdmann’s camera travels with her wherever she goes with her husband and sons. In the past few years she’s become fascinated with textures and reflections, with the play of light on water and objects. On Harbor Island in the Bahamas, her eye has been caught by the abstract designs of wind-blown sand and the striking patterns of seashells under glistening water. In Steamboat, Colorado, she’s become obsessed with horses - amazing animals that are a photographer’s dream. The curl and crash of a wave after a hurricane on Block Island and the intricacy of a newly opened white chrysanthemum at the New York Botanical Gardens are two of Barbara’s favorite “moments in time.”

Philanthropy is a focus of Barbara’s work. She and her family live on the Long Island Sound so it’s fitting that they are involved with The Maritime Aquarium at Norwalk, an extremely active and popular aquarium based on the Sound. A portion of her photography business’ profits go to the Aquarium to enable children and families who cannot afford to participate in their programs to do so. Sharing the joy of the Long Island Sound with these deserving children, who live so close to the water but know little about it, is a real pleasure for Barbara. 

Barbara specializes in large-format images, and favors mounting them in acrylic for a clean and modern look to accentuate the striking images.