Welcome to RE // new artists & their work
I launched the Romanoff Elements site 6 months ago, wanting to share some of the talented artists who I have come to know and work with. Recently, I updated the site to include several new artists as well as adding new pieces to existing collections. The RE site is a beginning - there is much more to look at, and to talk about regarding each artist who is represented. I am drawn to their work, to their stories and want to follow and share the progress of their art as it evolves.
Andrea Bonfils is a very creative and multi-talented artist. She works with and explores various media; from painting, to encaustic wax, photography and mixed media.
Regardless of medium, Andrea's artwork all begins with nature. She renders interesting compositions from what she sees and experiences around her. Her colors are rich and layered and the final work is always textural and beautiful. I have blogged about Andrea before, when Nest Inspired Home exhibited her work in April.
I was recently re-connected to Tracy Burtz, we hadn't seen each other for many years. Tracy is an accomplished artist and teacher who has exhibited extensively. She works from life; she creates still lifes in oil, charcoal drawings and oils of women, pastels of seascapes and summer life. I blogged about Tracy as we prepared an exhibition of her work at Table D'Hote recently.
The depth and range of Tracy's colors are beautiful, whether she's painting a floral arrangement or a portrait. We spoke about her varied subject matter, and the thread through her work is always the same, regardless of the subject, it's "...all about picture-making, and what makes a great painting; composition, color, darks, lights, value, line and texture.”
I first saw Elena Lyakir’s work at ABC Kitchen, the Jean-Georges restaurant in ABC Home in NYC. I loved the ethereal quality and compostion of Elena’s naturally - inspired work and how it enhanced the farm-to-table restaurant's decor. I met Elena shortly after that and saw the variety and depth of her work.
Each image, whether birds, foliage or landscape, evokes a quiet, a calm - that I find simple, serene and beautiful.
A mutual friend introduced me to Christine Wexler, wanting me to see her Bramasole photography, but also knowing we had similar backgrounds as textile designers. Turns out Christine and I sat down for coffee that could have lasted for many hours as we talked about how and where our creative interests began and the paths we have taken.
I share Christine’s love of the ocean, particularly Montauk. Her photos taken on the Eastern end of Long Island, throughout the Hamptons and other beautiful spots, in California, Mexico and in Italy, capture the natural beauty of the ocean - you can feel and sense summer life in her images. Christina has exhibited in various venues in the Hamptons. It's the perfect time of year to introduce her photographs to RE and we'll be bringing a collection of her work to exhibit in Westchester at Nest Inspired Home in Rye in June.
More work from each of these artist is on the RE site. I'll be showing a selection of new work by some of the original RE artists in my next post.