An American artist in Paris // New works by Xanda McCagg

Artist Xanda McCagg is spending the fall in Paris, leaving her Chelsea studio to exhibit, explore and experience life in Europe for a few months. The NYC based abstract painter spent time last year in Rome and France participating in two academic residencies which I blogged about this past summer. Her time there resulted in a new body of work and Paris' Galerie Charlot's interest to exhibit her paintings.

I have known Xanda for several years and I’m drawn to the colors, and composition of her work. It evolves and yet it remains familiar as she explores the themes that drive her work.

Together we have shown her work in Bridgehampton at Comerford Collection and placed a number of pieces with new collectors, both there and privately.

I think Xanda’s paintings are familiar due to their basis in figurative work. In the exhibit overview, McCagg says, “At the core of my work is a fascination with the human experience. I consider systems of human behavior in relation to larger happenings: poverty, war, systems of control and understanding, government, and religion vs. mythology. As an artist, I observe and comment on the human condition on both a global and an intimate level....

My work continues to explore the fine line between perception and imagination of these relationships through an articulation of compositional effects. Using line and form, I determine how much or how little information is necessary to communicate these shifts. Although abstract, my work is influenced by formal principles. I use these principles both literally and metaphorically as the vocabulary with which I develop my compositions.”

Valérie Hasson-Benillouche opened the French gallery in 2010. They exhibit both new, young artists, and established European artists, exploring a mix of classical and new media.

Xanda’s work ranges in size from from 8” squares to large format paintings, up to 72"x60". Her signature remains regardless of the size.

Xanda's color range is expansive - yet knowing Xanda's work, there’s a consistency. Her palette ranges from neutrals to the use of strong colors, composed of graphite, oils and collage, in a way that the paintings are always balanced with her unique combination of line, color, texture and form.

The exhibition is October 20 -Nov 17, Galerie Charlot , 47 Rue Charlot, Paris

I wish Xanda lots of success and a great experience in Paris this fall ...


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