Celebrating with Art // 5 Years Together
Kissing Clouds Triptych by Kerri Rosenthal
Time flies! It feels like a few months ago that a girlfriend suggested I stop in to the beautiful new home store that just opened in Rye and meet the owners. I did, and since then, almost 5 years ago, we have worked together. Aly Drew and Bets Miller have been great partners, they have a fabulous store, and a terrific venue to showcase Romanoff Elements artwork to compliment their array of home decor products. I’m happy to be part of their anniversary party to celebrate 5 years but more than that, I want to thank them both for welcoming me and the re:artists into their “nest”. Congrats to Bets, Aly and and their team at Nest Inspired Home!
Aly and Bets have created a warm and inviting store, it’s a large space and they fill it with merchandise from candles and gift ideas to dining tables, rugs, art, just about anything you need to “feather your nest”, as they say!
Over the years, we have featured a variety of local artists, photographers, printers and painters. This past summer, they did some renovations that enhanced the space and created a fresh backdrop for the art and furnishings. We introduced two new artists to the shop this fall, each brings a different sensibility. Photographer Laurie Fishman’s work, all about natural beauty, has a keen sense of color and detail. Here's Laurie in the center, with Aly and Bets after installing her photos.
Through her work, Laurie captures the nuances in textures, color, and form that we often overlook, but are the details which contribute to the whole. She travels with her camera throughout the world, Africa, Southeast Asia and Europe and returns with captivating images. For those who have visited the same places, it's wonderful to find and bring her work into their homes that captures some memories. Here is Grotto Bianco, the white grotto on the Amalfi Coast.
Grotto Bianco by Laurie Fishman
Dahlia, Sepia by Laurie Fishman
For others, it's a pleasure to hear the stories behind the work and just enjoy the simple beauty of nature. Laurie’s work reflects a lifelong passion for nature and animals which combines with her keen interest in travel and the arts. She “believes that people care about what they're familiar with, what they know about...therefore, it is my sincere hope that my work will inspire in the viewer an appreciation for, and an increased awareness of the importance of protecting our precious wildlife and the environment.” Laurie donates a portion of proceeds from all sales to various nature and wildlife protection funds including The World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, the ASPCA and the National Geographic Big Cats initiative. Here is one of a series of Dahlia, Sepia, photographed in Singapore at The Flower Dome, the world's largest greenhouse.
Laurie also shares the story or history behind the work. Clay Pots, from an architectural site in Tel Aviv, discovered during restoration. Mounted in acrylic, the photo becomes very modern, I love the mix of the past and the present.
Clay Pots by Laurie Fishman
Meighan Morrison’s graphic paintings are a contrast to Laurie’s detailed works. Meighan’s paintings “focus on color, contrast…shape and movement”. We love them in more traditional as well as contemporary homes. In the window, Alone and Together, a bold black and white diptych, each 60"x40", make a statement.
I never tire of talking with artists about their work, inspiration and process. Meighan, like others I speak with, gain a clearer vision of their art through the years. She, “loves the process, when I’m working and just going, almost subconsciously, without thinking, the ‘magic window’ opens…it’s exciting when something clicks”. The results are beautiful. Here, a more subtle work, with layers and depth, one of the String Theory Diptych, 36"x48" is acrylic on linen.
String Theory Diptych by Meighan Morrison
Haiku by Meighan Morrison
Meighan’s works show her interest in “contrast, warm against cool, shiny against matte, a tactical quality, it's where I gravitate…as I get older, the more I want to simplify, less is more, but it’s also more challenging and fun to get it right.” Haiku, 32"x38" acrylic on linen.
One of the wonderful things about my business is the people that I meet, work with and get to know. Bets and Aly have different roles at Nest, and I work with both. Aly recently talked about how proud she is about what they have accomplished in 5 years and is excited about the future of the business as they enter year 6. "The learning curve was steep, but it was well worth the long days and nights spent in the early years" and she feels great about their potential for growth. "There is a great synergy between Bets and myself, we each bring different strengths to our partnership. We share our love for home decor and interacting with people.” I have collaborated with Bets on many projects with Nest clients over these few years. In this traditional home, we brought in modern art to update the interior, the fun Drippy Heart by Kerri Rosenthal, which made our client "happy" when she walked in her home, combined with a view of an abstract oil, Later, by Anne Raymond.
Drippy Heart by Kerri Rosenthal
From the start, the partners were open to making original fine art a part of their business. Aly added, “Art has been a key factor in our success…Our relationship with Romanoff Elements has allowed us to showcase multiple local artists in our stores, which helps create the ‘in-home’ feel of our vignettes. Our in home design has been the biggest growth area”. A quiet abstract seascape, Sound Portrait 1, of the local LI Sound by Stefan Radtke, complimented by Apres Ski, a color-drenched abstract by Kerri Rosenthal.
In this recent project, Distance, a large oil painting, an organic seascape with layers of subtle color by Anne Raymond, completes the elegant dining room.
Nest is celebrating their 5 year Anniversary on Friday, Nov. 4th, 11am-4pm. If you’re in the area , please stop in for Champagne and Sweets. You can also meet both Laurie Fishman and Meighan Morrison and see their artworks. Ronit Tarshis of Lera Jewels will be there also, with her fabulous jewelry
If you cant make it then, I hope you’ll visit Nest another time!